Product Details

Wakizashi 9260 Spring Steel Clay Tempered Shell Saya Hazuya Polished--Ryan1245


Model : ryan1245
Shipping Weight : 2kg Manufactured by : Ryan Sword

Item Introduction

This wakizashi is one of our special design products. The blade is made of 9260 sping steel and clay tempered, it’s hazuya polished so the area between hamon and back is white.  Its saya is covered in polished mother-of-pearl and shells, it gives a unique glow of random colors. The koiguchi,kurikata and kojiri is made of polished, black buffalo horn. The tsuba is made of folded steel, beautiful grains of the steel are visible. Fuchi and kashira are iron with silver embedded.

Overall Length : 76cm / 30.0" Nagasa(Blade) : 51cm / 20"
Tsuka(Handle) : 21cm / 8.3" Motohaba(width near habaki) : 3.15cm
Sakihaba(width near yokote) : 2.3cm Sori(curve) : 1.3cm
Kasane(thickness at habaki) : 7.5mm Sakikasane(thickness at yokote) : 3mm
Blade : Maru, 9260 Spring Steel Saya Material : Hardwood+Buffalo Horn+Shell
Handle Material : Hardwood+Genuine Rayskin Tsuba : Iron+Silver

1) The tsuba is made of folded steel, the fuchi and kashira are made of iron with silver embedded. Buffalo horns are used as koiguchi, kojiri, kurigata and mekugis.

2) The sword will go with a free sword bag and spare Mekugies(bamboo nails).

3) Our products are 100% handmade, so specification varies slightly from sword to sword. We appreciate your understanding.

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Customer DIY


*Saya number:

*Sageo number:


*Habaki Number:

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*Same Number:

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